Pictures of Diocletian’s Palace from the sea side.

Diocletian’s Palace Tour From Split

Discover the historical marvel of Diocletian’s Palace on this tour starting directly from Split. Walk through the ancient Roman architecture embedded in the city’s fabric. Your journey will take you through the palace’s grand courtyards and into its mysterious cellars. Listen to stories of emperors and epochs past, narrated by a local expert. Experience the blend of antiquity and modern life in Split’s vibrant streets. This tour, unique to Split, brings history alive, offering insights into the city’s rich past woven into its contemporary culture.

Old Town and Diocletian Palace Walking Tour

Embark on a journey through Split’s history with a guided walking tour. Start at the Diocletian Palace’s Golden Gate, a relic of the Roman Empire, entwined with the city’s fabric. Explore its ancient walls and open colonnades, revealing stories from 305 CE. Wander through the old town, where history meets vibrant city life.

Next, visit the remarkable Saint Domnius Cathedral, one of the world’s oldest in continuous use. Absorb the stories and sights, like the iconic statue of Gregory of Nin in Giardin Park. This part of the tour offers a blend of architectural beauty and historical depth.

Conclude your journey strolling along the Riva promenade, where views of Marjan Hill and the Adriatic Sea await. The tour, a blend of past and present, ends back at the Golden Gate, leaving you enriched with the essence of Split’s enduring legacy.

Check out our FAQ about entry fees at the Diocletian’s Palace if you have any questions.


  1. Start: Golden Gate 1 or 2, meet your guide at the historic entrance to Split’s ancient core.
  2. Golden Gate, Split: a 10-minute guided introduction to the majestic gateway of Diocletian’s Palace.
  3. Game of Thrones Museum, Split: a brief 5-minute tour, delving into the real-life filming locations of the famed TV series.
  4. People’s Square: spend 10 minutes exploring one of Split’s most vibrant social spots.
  5. Fruit Square, Split: a 10-minute guided exploration of this lively square, rich in history and culture.
  6. Riva, Split: immerse yourself in a 10-minute guided walk along Split’s famous seaside promenade.
  7. Diocletian’s Cellars: dive into the past with a 15-minute tour of the well-preserved subterranean part of the palace.
  8. Peristil: spend 10 minutes in the central square of the palace, surrounded by Roman architecture.
  9. Cathedral of Saint Domnius: a 10-minute guided visit to one of the best-preserved ancient Roman buildings standing today.
  10. Vestibul: conclude with a 10-minute tour of the grand entryway to the imperial apartments.
  11. Return: tour ends at the Golden Gate, leaving you in the heart of Split’s historical center.

Diocletian’s Palace From Split

Concluding our tour of “Dioklecijanova Palača“, you’ve journeyed through Split’s living history. These ancient walls, nestled in the city’s heart, offer a unique blend of Roman architecture and vibrant local life. It’s more than a tour; it’s a walk through time, right in Split’s bustling center. This experience of exploring a monument alive with history and modernity is unique to Split. May these memories and insights into Split’s rich heritage stay with you long after your visit.